Why should I consider travel insurance while pregnant?
Travelling while you're pregnant can be a worrying experience. It's not just you that you have to look after yourself, but your unborn child(ren), too. This means you may want the right protection, especially if you're prone to hospital trips during your pregnancy.
You may be more prone to illness when you're pregnant, so a policy that covers things like morning sickness could be useful to you, especially if things go wrong. For instance, if you're travelling while you're pregnant and you fall ill, you might want to go straight to the nearest hospital. With a policy, finding the closest facility can be much easier and can assist with reducing any massive medical bills you might need to pay.
What does our travel insurance include for pregnancy?
Our travel insurance automatically covers pregnancy, so long as the claim matches the criteria within the Product Disclosure Statement. Cover is still provided for all the regular stuff, like stolen luggage and travel delays, but coverage is only available for some pregnancy-related claims. These include:
- Cover for a pregnancy up to the end of the 26th week, when your claim is unrelated to an existing medical condition.
- 24/7 emergency assistance
- Cancellation costs for things like unused transport and accommodation if you have to cancel because of unexpected events outside of your control such as unexpected pregnancy complications like severe morning sickness and gestational diabetes.
If you're unsure whether it's safe to travel, chat to your doctor and get written confirmation that you're fit to go away.
What isn't covered for pregnancy?
While we would love to cover absolutely everything, pregnancies can be complicated and there are some things that we can't cover. These include:
- Any existing medical condition related to pregnancy
- Expenses related to the birth of a child including care of a newborn in any circumstances.
- Routine hospital check-ups
- Travel past the 26th week for your pregnancy.
Travel Insurance for Pregnancy FAQs
What are the cut-off dates for travelling if I am pregnant?
If you’re pregnant, there’s no cover under the policy for anything pregnancy-related after the 26th week.
What happens if I give birth during my trip?
Unfortunately, there’s no cover for childbirth, ante-natal care or the care of a newborn under the policy. Any medical bills associated with this won’t be covered.
Is there anything else I should be aware of?
It’s worth noting that airlines also have policies regarding pregnant passengers, and may limit your ability to fly. It’s never a bad idea to carry a note from your doctor confirming the duration of the pregnancy and that you’re fit to fly. Contact the airlines directly to see what restrictions may apply.
This is a brief summary of cover only and does not include the full terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Read the PDS before purchasing.

Travel Insurance for Pregnancy

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