Before your trip, check the latest government advice for any travel alerts for your destination.

TID is an Australian online travel insurance company.

20 December 2024

Staying Connected in Thailand: Sim Cards and Wi-Fi

Want to make sure you stay connected with your friends and family when travelling to Thailand? Here’s what you need to know about SIM cards and Wi-Fi coverage.

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23 March 2018

What visas and vaccinations do I need for Mexico?

Mexico is famous for its luxurious resorts, delicious food and drink as well as its vibrant culture. However, it's also notorious for being a somewhat dangerous destination if you step out of line. But you need to get that guac - so today, we help you prepare for this journey so you stay safe and have fun!

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08 January 2018

What to do if you're kidnapped on holiday (and how to avoid it)

Did you watch 'Taken' right before your big holiday abroad? You might be a little freaked out, but as long as you know what to do should you find yourself getting taken, then there's nothing to fear! Today we share a couple of tips on how to stay safe when on holiday.

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10 August 2017

How to avoid scams during the Spanish summer

Spain is a lovely location to escape the cold Australian winter. However, you'll need to be aware of scams and how to keep yourself safe.

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02 January 2017

How to stay healthy when you're on the road

The last thing you want to happen on a holiday is end up with the flu! Read up on TID's tips for protecting yourself against the travel 'bug'.

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