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Annual Multi Trip Frequently Asked Questions

The Annual Multi Trip (AMT) policy may be a great option if you travel regularly over a 12 month period, and are sick and tired of having to buy a new travel insurance policy every time. Here are some common questions we get about the AMT policy and our answers.

Is there cover for Coronavirus (COVID-19) on the AMT policy?

There is cover for some COVID-19 related events on the AMT policy. Find out more about the cover available here.

Is there a limit on the duration for each trip?

Yes. The maximum length of time this policy will cover you for travel from your home in Australia is up to 35 days for either a leisure or business trip. If you are combining business and leisure in one trip you can travel up to 35 days in total.

What do you mean by a business trip?

Travel means different things to different people. For some, business has them jetting off regularly, while for others it’s a gap year or lengthy career sabbatical that prompts them to spread their wings long haul.

For those frequent flyers with multiple trips scheduled over the course of a 12-month period, an Annual Multi Trip (AMT) policy is worth considering as it could provide more value than taking out an individual policy for each trip.

FAQs - these may help you decide whether AMT cover is right for you

Is there cover for Coronavirus (COVID-19) on the AMT policy?

COVID-19 related events are covered on the AMT policy. If you get sick with Coronavirus while on your journey, Travel Insurance Direct may provide cover for medical expenses incurred overseas up to the value of $2,500.

If you are struck down with Covid during your travels, you should contact our 24/7 Emergency Assistance Team immediately. Our team of experts can connect you with local medical facilities, and help you navigate local customs. They can also assist by contacting friends and family where needed.

Find out more about what type of cover we offer under our Coronavirus cover options by reading our COVID-19 and travel insurance cover article. 

Is there a limit on the duration for each trip?

Yes. The maximum length of time this policy will cover you for travel from your home in Australia is up to 35 days for either a leisure or business trip. If you are combining business and leisure in one trip you can travel up to 35 days in total.

That being said, there is no limit to the number of trips you may take during your 12-month period of insurance.

What do you mean by a business trip?

Business travel is just as it sounds, the main purpose of your travel is for related to work or business. That doesn’t mean you can’t tack a few days before or after your business trip for a holiday.

In the event of a claim, you will be asked to prove it, for example, by demonstrating that the flights and/or accommodation were paid for by your employer.

Is there an age limit for AMT cover?

TID’s AMT policy is available to travellers up to and including 75 years old and their dependents under 21 years of age and working less than 30 hours a week.

Can I include my trips in Australia on the AMT policy?

Yes. It includes cover for domestic and international trips. A domestic trip needs to involve an overnight stay and accommodation and/or transport prearranged with a travel services provider to be covered. You can also travel both, internationally and domestically for up to 35 days in total.

My partner and I mostly travel together, but sometimes we have our own trips. Can we still use a family policy if not all listed persons are coming on the trip?

Yes. If you have chosen the Family option with two adults (and children) on the policy, you don't need to travel together on every trip. The policy will cover the adult travellers when they are travelling independently. The dependent children listed on the policy will need to travel with one of the adults to be covered for the entire duration of the trip. 

I don't have a partner, am I able to list a friend on my policy instead?

You can list any adult as your travel partner for the policy. It doesn't have to be a spouse or de facto partner.

Can I purchase a few months in advance?

The AMT policy is available for purchase for up to 6 months prior to the nominated commencement date. You will be covered for cancellation costs for insured events from the time you buy your policy. This will cover you in the event that you or a member of your travelling party test positive for Covid pre-trip or a death in the family puts plans on hold prior to departure.

We are away for 45 days on one of our trips. Can we still take the AMT, or do we need to buy a new policy for that trip?

You can use your AMT for the first 35 days and buy a single trip policy for the additional days. Alternatively, please refer to the section headed Extending your policy and contact us.

Can I buy the AMT policy if I'm already overseas?

You sure can. Please note that your cover for each trip ends on the 35th day or when you return to your home in Australia, whichever is earlier.

When you buy a policy after you’ve started travelling, a 72-hour waiting period applies to all events, except for Medical Expenses Incurred Overseas and Additional Expenses/Medical Evacuation if you suffer a serious injury due to an accident that occurs during that waiting period.

Will the AMT cover my pre-existing medical conditions?

There are 43 medical conditions that are automatically covered on the AMT policy provided you meet all requirements noted in the PDS. If your condition is not automatically covered, you can still purchase a policy, however you won't be covered for your medical conditions. 

If I take out the AMT plan, can I purchase the Snow sports cover option for one week to go skiing?

You can purchase a single-trip policy with the Snow Sports and Activities option for the duration of your skiing trip. In the event of a claim, though, it’s worth noting that you can claim under one policy only.

Losses arising from skiing will not be covered on the AMT policy unless you purchase the option. Find out more by reading the Snow sports cover option of the PDS.

Can I add options after I've purchased?

Currently, we don't allow you to add options like snow sports and activities, rental vehicle insurance excess or high value items after you purchase.

This is a brief summary of cover only. Cover is subject to the full terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions outlined in the Product Disclosure Statement.

Last Updated: 20 December 2021

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